Wood Destroying Insect Control Auckland | NZ Pest Control

Wood Destroying Insect Control In Auckland

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What is a Wood Destroying Insect?

In New Zealand, there are up to seven species of wood-boring insect. The most common of these is the, House Borer Anobium punctatum, Native House Borer Leanobium flavomaculatum, Two-Toothed Longhorn Ambeodontus tristis (F.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and the New Zealand Drywood Termite (Kalotermes Brouni).

Borer Beetles belong to the insect order Coleoptera. This name comes from the Greek ‘koleos’ for sheath and ‘pteron’ for wing, and refers to their hardened front wings – called elytra. The elytra meet along the midline of the body, enclosing and protecting the abdomen, and giving beetles their characteristic appearance.

The elytra, an armoured exoskeleton and a compact body allow beetles to live where other insects with more delicate or exposed wings would be damaged – when burrowing in leaf litter or soil, for example. These features also protect beetles from attacks. The elytra help prevent water loss by covering the openings to the breathing tubes on the abdomen.

The life cycles of these insects are similar. Adult females lay up to 100 eggs on bare timber, or in old flight holes. The eggs hatch after 4-5 weeks and the larvae bore through the wood, eating it and using yeasts in their stomachs to help break down cellulose in the wood. After 3-5 years, the larvae will pupate in a chamber near the surface, then 4-8 weeks later the adult exits the wood, by eating its way to the surface creating a ‘flight hole’. The adult borer, are airborne for approxiamately a month, between October and March, when they mate, and the life cycle then begins over again.

The flight holes are approximately 2mm in diameter for Common House Borer, 3-4mm for Native House Borer, and up to 7mm and more oval in shape for Two Toothed Longhorn Borer.

The New Zealand drywood termite occurs throughout New Zealand. In buildings, conditions favouring development of drywood termites also suit the larvae of two- toothed longhorn and house borer beetles, so it is rare for drywood termites to be the sole deteriorating agent. However, the presence of even small nests can cause areas of structural weakness. In addition, because exit holes are inconspicuous and few in number, the damage may remain undetected and become widespread in the building before the need for remedial action is realised. Buildings closely surrounded by neglected shelter trees may be more susceptible to damage than others.

Why do I have them?

Wood destroying insects generally prefer seasoned or moist untreated timber. They are often found on the south side of buildings, or in floor timbers because these areas are prone to dampness. They are also fond of soft (sapwood) or untreated wood, and can be common in untreated native timbers in older homes and buildings. Sawn timber is also more prone than a smooth surface.

It is not uncommon, to have wood destroying insects attack some boards and not others – the untouched ones are probably harder heart wood.

Are they dangerous?

Wood destroying insects are not harmful to humans, however they can cause structural damage and weakness to areas of your home or building if left untreated.

How do I get rid of wood destroying insects?

Getting rid of wood destroying insects can be a difficult task due to the territorial behaviour. NZ Pest Control is your one-stop company for eradication of pest bird problems. Our highly trained pest control professionals will make a thorough inspection of your property and then create a custom designed solution to rid your property of pest birds in the quickest and safest manner possible.

Can I do it myself?

Do-It-Yourself methods to control wood destroying insect damage is often not successful as it takes a trained eye to know just how and where to treat for these pests.

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How soon can you get here?

At NZ Pest Control, we strive to give our customers a rapid, efficient service, and make every effort to be with you as soon as possible.

Is the treatment safe?

All products used by NZ Pest Control, must have first been thoroughly checked by the EPA and registered for pest control use. Only then can they be considered for use by our highly trained pest control professionals. You can be assured that pest control services provided by NZ Pest Control will not cause any harm to humans or pets.

How can I prevent wood destroying insects in the future?

Wood destroying insects prefer prefer timber that has some moisture in it. Ensure that the subfloor area is dry and well ventilated. Check for any plumbing leaks and unblock all air vents. Replace any timber that is in contact with the ground, that has not been treated, to the current New Zealand Building Code standards, and replace any timber where the structural integrity has been compromised due to wood destroying insect damage. It is recommended that a polythene vapour barrier is installed to reduce ground moisture and rising dampness. Check for any leaks in the roof cavity, and ensure that the roof cladding is well sealed, to prevent moisture penetration. Replace any timber where the structural integrity has been compromised due to wood destroying insect damage.

The most successful control of infestations involves the removal of affected timbers and their replacement with those treated with preservatives. This is especially desirable if principal structural timbers are affected and where there is risk of re-infestation from surroundings.

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